NSW reports second day without new COVID-19 cases

New South Wales has achieved the second day of no new COVID-19 cases.

Premier Gladys Berejiklian hailed the achieved but cautioned the numbers could be deceiving.

In the past 24 hours, just 6400 tests were carried out.

“I am worried about the lower rate of testing, yes it’s the weekend and we expect a dip, but can I please encourage everybody to not to get complacent,” Ms Berejiklian said.

She issues the warning on the first day of the school holidays.

“Please note the threat of the virus is still around us.

The only reason why we’ve done well is because everybody has been careful, everybody has been following the health warnings and I don’t want us to lull into a false sense of security and then have us have to go through the last few months of difficult times that we have in order to keep the virus at bay.

“The last time we relaxed a bit the Victorian situation unexpectedly arose and that was a big risk to NSW.”

NSW Health has urged more people to come forward for testing, even if symptoms appear mild.

“With the start of school holidays and increased movement of people, NSW Health is appealing to everyone to get tested as soon as symptoms appear,” NSW Health said in a statement.

It said testing numbers have declined in recent weeks and are urging people to come forward for testing right away if they have a runny nose or scratchy throat, cough, fever or other symptoms that could be COVID-19.

Over the weekend, NSW saw a number of restrictions eased due to the continuing low numbers being recorded.

More than one partner is now allowed to attend children’s sports finals games and when students return for Term Four, school sports will be as they were pre-pandemic, excursions and camping trips will once again be permitted and Year 7 and 12 orientations will resume.


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