Why business owners are choosing new age education platforms over marketing degrees

Online Education Platforms such as Instinct Education’s business accelerator program help entrepreneurs gain laser focus and clarity on the exact steps to take to reach ‘Business Mastery’. They help confused and frustrated entrepreneurs accelerate their business in a matter of weeks.

99% of new business owners are lost, running around chasing the next ‘shiny object’ to grow their business. They live in a constant state of reaction, spreading themselves too thin and achieving very little. While some look at marketing degrees at a cost of a roughly $6,000/year, others have found practical solutions to learning new and relevant skills.

Pros of in-class Marketing Degrees through TAFE or College/University:

  • 1 on 1 Face to Face with College Professor

Cons of Marketing Degrees through TAFE or College/University:

  • Long Pre Scheduled Classes
  • Costly
  • Information and strategy is constantly changing and becoming less relevant
  • Professors aren’t always up to date with current technology
  • Large classes

Pros of Online Education Courses (Instinct Education)

  • Watch classes at your own scheduled times and learn at your own pace
  • Classes are transcribed for reading
  • Audio is provided for listening on the go
  • Resources available for each class on demand
  • Rewatch lessons if you missed something
  • All classes are continuously updated to keep up with modern technology and strategy
  • Price is affordable
  • Being instructed by current Advertising professionals who run successful businesses

Cons of of Online Education Courses (Instinct Education)

  • Still to be found

One problem with traditional education at TAFE or College is that many students miss class and fall behind. They’re unable to learn at their own pace and notes are not always available. Text books are costly and become irrelevant after each year as technology improves. Most professors or teachers have been out of the industry for years and no longer understand the modern technology readily available. Not to mention the price to enroll at TAFE can range between $3,000- $10,000 per semester depending on the course.

As a business owner, time is a commodity, and scheduled classes just aren’t an option when running a business. That’s why online courses have become the pinnacle of  education in 2020. Instinct Education, developed by Instinct Media, has taken modern age technology and practise, proven strategies and templates, and combined them into a one stop education platform available for business owners. Not only can they learn at their own pace, the resources provided enable business owners to install and upload templates into their business to start generating revenue almost immediately. Until now, this was unheard of. While most tradition learning includes theory with a little bit of practise, they don’t provide proven templates or resources to hit the ground running. You’re left to develop and maintain your own processes and strategies.

With Instinct Education, you can Watch training videos in 1080p HD, listen to mp3 recordings or read the text transcripts. Access the training online from any desktop or mobile device, anywhere in the world, anytime you like. Over the course of 8 weeks, you learn relevant and practical online advertising strategies such as:

  • Business Foundations
    Improving your offer, finding your target demographic, getting proof of concept.
  • Sales
    Persuasion, getting prospects to take action, handling objections, closing the deal.
  • Psychology
    Neuroscience, human behaviour, how the brain works, control your mind and others.
  • Websites & Funnels
    Professionally designed websites, landing pages and sales funnels, proven and tested, access them instantly.
  • Marketing
    Getting your name in front of your ideal prospects, generating customers, clients and sales.
  • Problem Solving
    How to think clearly, solve problems, seeing the matrix, understanding what to do and when.
  • Customer Experience
    How to produce amazing results, gain referrals & testimonials, develop a cult like following (like Apple).
  • Scaling & Automation
    How to scale from one customer to 100’s each day at record pace, grow to any level, automate and win.
  • Product Development
    Improve your product/service, stand out from the competition, become #1.
  • PPC Advertising
    Facebook ads, Google Ads, YouTube ads, testing, scaling, optimising, winning.
  • Systemising Operations
    How to manage your entire machine, systemise it and optimise it for maximum efficiency.
  • Bio-Hacking
    Optimise energy, focus, consistency, become super human, feel great, get more done, achieve anything.
  • Organic Attraction
    Attract customers using organic strategies, get customers for free, gain control over your growth.
  • Content Creation
    Creating high quality content to stand out from the rest. Become an industry leader for quality.
  • Mental Reprogramming
    Take massive action, remove fear and doubt, follow through on your goals, become unstoppable.
  • Business Mastery
    Develop total control over the future and the growth of your business, become a master.

If you’re ready to grow or scale your business, and looking for an education program that gives you everything you need to accelerate your business, then Instinct Educations free training video may be the best place to start. Click here to get started. 


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