Western Australia Premier warns COVID-19 police bungle at Sydney airport threatens border reopening

A New South Wales police bungle that let two international travelers skip hotel quarantine could now threaten the future of Western Australia’s border reopening.
WA Premier Mark McGowan has indicated the COVID-19 quarantine breach will be taken into account in his update on the state’s hard border tomorrow.
NSW police have admitted they wrongly allowed two international passengers to fly from Sydney to Melbourne, breaking quarantine rules.
The pair, a German woman, 53, and her 15-year-old son, landed from Tokyo at 9.45am yesterday.
But instead of being forced to do the 14-day hotel quarantine in Sydney as is required by law, they got on a plane to Melbourne.
“Fortunately both of them were not positive, they’ve both been tested, but obviously shows COVID is a risk and that’s why we continue to have a controlled border in place,” Mr McGowan said.
The COVID-19 breach, as well as WA today recording two new cases of the virus, could deliver a border blow to those who have booked cross country flights to reunite with friends and family.

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