Victoria premier extends State of Disaster for 11 days

Victoria premier Daniel Andrews is extending the State of Disaster for 11 days to bring it in line with the State of Emergency.

The State of Disaster, which allows police to enforce Melbourne’s curfew and the 5km radius limit, was originally set to expire on Wednesday at 6 pm.

Daniel Andrews said he must extend it to September 13, to be in line with the State of Emergency.

“We think having both of those frameworks on the same timetable is important and will serve us well when we get to announcements on the weekend about the roadmap,” he said.

“I just want to caution that doesn’t necessarily mean that either the State of Emergency or the State of Disaster will automatically come off on the 13th.

“So I don’t want people to read into the alignment that those measures will all of a sudden expire on the 13th.”

The State of Disaster cannot be extended in blocks for longer than one month. Victoria entered the State of Disaster at 6 pm on Sunday, August 2, which coincided with Stage 4 restrictions being introduced.

It was brought in on top of the State of Emergency, with both able to operate together.

On Wednesday, the Department of Health and Human Services confirmed there had been 90 cases in the past 24 hours, which is more than a dozen more than a day earlier.

There have also been six further deaths recorded. This brings the death toll in the state to 576.

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