Victoria premier says lockdown exit plan will come soon

Victoria’s daily coronavirus infections remain too high to release a road map out of lockdown, Premier Daniel Andrews said yesterday, as the state recorded 114 new cases.

Victorian Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton has emphasised double-digit numbers are a key milestone for the state before an easing of coronavirus restrictions can be contemplated.

Sustained levels at or below 50 daily cases have been flagged as a goal figure to reach before stage four restrictions are scheduled to end for Melbourne in two weeks’ time on September 13.

“These case numbers are too high for us to open up, and they are still too high for us to put forward a definitive plan,” Andrews said.

“There will be a plan. It will come soon. But it will be one that we can be confident of, not something that potentially gets a few people being happier.”

“Once we see these numbers fall further, once we have certainty — and that will be quite soon — we will be able to talk in more definitive terms about what the weeks and months ahead look like.”

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