A prestigious Sydney school has threatened to expel anyone who takes part in a “muck-up day” scavenger hunt which would see students spit on homeless people and defecate in trains.
Shore School in North Sydney has been investigating a document coined the “Triwizard Shorenament” which sets out tasks for Year 12 boys to complete to earn points.
The document includes a series of challenges for students that range from a “sack whack” — hitting other people’s testicles — to taking illicit drugs on the Harbour Bridge, getting arrested and drinking to excess.
Headmaster Timothy Petterson said his school “unequivocally condemns the activities detailed in the proposed scavenger hunt”.
“The document appears to be the work of a small number of boys who are not representative of our wider Year 12 group,” Dr Petterson said.
“The activities are unlawful, harmful and disrespectful of the public and have appalled our school community.”
The document listed more than 150 challenges for students, of which the most coveted, worth 10,000 points, was flying to Melbourne.
Parents dropping their children off at school this morning told the ABC they were “disgusted” and “disappointed” after learning about the proposed scavenger hunt.
They also wanted to remain anonymous.
“There is always muck-up day, especially on the last day and today is the last day but that is taking it to the next level,” one mother said.
“Honestly I wasn’t expecting a list that long and most of the stuff on that list is pretty unacceptable.”
Shore School charges $33,884 to educate a Year 12 boy.
A man who has children at the school said it was not the behaviour he expected from an elite school.
“I think particularly in tough times, everyone is going through a hard time; paying exorbitant school fees is hard to do for anybody and you expect a quality of education,” he said.
Any student who participates in the activities set out in the scavenger hunt has been threatened with expulsion.
“Shore has already communicated to parents in the strongest possible terms that boys are not to take part in the activities,” Dr Petterson said.
NSW Police have issued a warning to all Year 12 students participating in end-of-school activities known as “muck-up day” events.
“The police respect the age-old tradition of ‘muck-up’ days, but students must take necessary precautions, so celebrations do not get out of hand and become dangerous” a police spokeswoman said.
“By all means enjoy yourself but do so safely and don’t make any decisions that you’ll later regret.”
NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian was not impressed by the tournament.
“We have worked really hard to support the class of 2020,” she said.
“I would like to think the vast majority of them are doing the right thing by everybody else.”
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