Coronavirus could cause airline staff to walk off the job as outbreak fears continue

The Transport Workers Union has called for the suspension of all direct flights from China over the coronavirus outbreak despite top health bureaucrats saying the measure would be ineffective.

The call came on Friday as Qantas employees were threatened with disciplinary action if they refused to work on flights from China due to concerns about the potentially fatal virus.

The disease has killed 213 people in China and infected more than 9,800 globally, with the World Health Organisation declaring a public health emergency.

The virus has spread to at least 18 countries including Australia, which has nine confirmed cases with more expected.

China last week stopped flights from Wuhan – the epicentre of the virus – but the TWU now wants Mr Morrison to intervene and restrict all incoming flights from China.

The union’s national secretary, Michael Kaine, says there is a high level of uncertainty about the virus and the “precautionary principle” should apply.

“There has been a dearth of information from this federal government to airports and to airlines about what it is precisely they should do,” he told reporters in Sydney on Friday.

“There’s one thing that we can do and one step that we could take and should take and that is to cut off flights from the source of the virus.

“We should take the lead here and stop flights into Australia from China right now.”

Airlines around the world have stopped flights from mainland China including American Airlines and British Airways, Mr Kaine said.

The union has written to airports, airlines and the federal government about the matter.

But Australia’s chief medical officer Brendan Murphy says banning direct flights from China is not recommended as a public health measure.

“The World Health Organisation strongly recommends that nations do not ban flights from China because unless you lock down exit from the country, banning direct flights doesn’t stop people coming from China,” Professor Murphy told reporters in Canberra.

“They could come from all sorts of other ports and at least we know who is coming from China and we can meet and do very intensive border measures for those flights.”

A number of the airlines who have ceased flights from China have done so for commercial reasons, Prof Murphy said.

Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt said the government’s health advisory committee had considered the question “on a number of occasions and their advice hasn’t changed”.

“If their advice does change, we will implement it,” he told reporters on Friday.

It’s understood that Qantas employees have been formally directed to continue working on aircraft operating from airports in China.

The airline has made it clear that if employees fail to do so they may face disciplinary action – including being sacked.

The TWU says a meeting was planned with Qantas on Friday afternoon to discuss the instructions.

The union will also ask for details on protections the airline will put in place for workers on board a flight to evacuate Australians from Wuhan.

Qantas, along with Virgin Australia, is following advice from the WHO and the federal health department.

Virgin Australia does not operate flights to and from mainland China and from February 11 will only operate daily flights from Sydney to Hong Kong, dropping the Melbourne route.

Crews are maintaining high hygiene standards including hand sanitising and cough etiquette, a Virgin Australia spokeswoman said in a statement.

Qantas has been contacted for comment.

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