Alarm raised as Sydney cluster spreads to Victoria

Victoria has picked up its first “interstate” case from the NSW cluster, as Sydney has reportedly recorded single-figure increase in new cases.

Health Minister Martin Foley says the new case is a 15-year-old girl from the Moonee Valley local government area who visited several of the high-risk exposure sites in Sydney.

“The young person travelled home from Sydney with their parent,” Mr Foley said. “They have isolated when they returned to Victoria and as a result of the awareness of the situation in Sydney, the young person has sought testing.”

He said close contacts “are currently understood to be limited” and contact tracing is underway.

“All close contacts of the family have been interviewed and the Department of Health is following up with any secondary close contacts,” he said.

“Rapid response testing for all of those close contacts is underway. All close contacts will be compulsorily retested on day 11. Given the family were isolating at home, at this point, there are no known exposure sites in Victoria.”

Meanwhile, there are reports that today’s number of new coronavirus cases in NSW will be just eight.

Seven News, citing sources, reports authorities will shortly announced a total of 18 detected infections in the past 24-hour period.

But 10 of those are in returned travellers in hotel quarantine, while the remaining eight are instances of local transmission.

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