Nationals with a new leader aiming to push Liberals on climate

Compensation for farmers and other rural industries will be crucial to a potential deal between the Nationals and Liberals on contentious climate targets.

Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce is expected to continue negotiations with Scott Morrison with a long-term move towards a net zero carbon emissions target a sticking point.

Deputy leader and Agriculture Minister David Littleproud said the party wouldn’t enter a deal until what was on offer was clearer.

“That’s just good business principles. You don’t give away your end price straight up,” he told Sky News.

“We’re going to look at it, we’re going to see what we can get and make sure that no one’s hurting, but we also start to square that ledger.

“We copped it in the neck in regional Australia for everyone to sleep soundly in metropolitan Australia and it’s time that our mob got repaid for it.”