As Australia enters a new housing boom, Pauline Hanson is shining the light on an opportunity for investors to park their money.
The One Nation leader is calling on investors to consider buying rental properties in western Queensland towns where a housing shortage is creating uncertainty for an expected surge in jobs growth in Charleville.
An expansion of Australia’s first purpose-built goat processing plant is expected to create an extra 60 jobs over the next 12 months.
Murweh Shire Council Mayor Shaun Radnedge wants to encourage property investment in an effort to meet the town’s growing housing demand.
Senator Hanson sees it as a perfect opportunity for investors to support a rural community where house prices start from as little as $80,000.
“There are plenty of homes for sale but none to rent,” the Queensland senator told AAP.
“When you consider the return versus the outlay, this is something all serious investors should speak to their financial adviser about.”
Charleville, with its 3000 residents, benefits from more than 70,000 tourists each year.
“All too often we hear about regional towns dying, but townships like Charleville and Roma are bucking the trend, especially since the increase in lambing rates due to improved wild dog fencing,” Senator Hanson said.